Friday, August 19, 2011

Fuel Subsidy Reinstated for School Boards

Some time ago, Education Minister Dave Hancock committed to going back to Treasury once again and asking for funds to reinstate the transportation fuel subsidy for school boards. After reading a recent news article posted on twitter, CAPSC was able to quickly confirm the following with CBE Administration:

It is estimated that the CBE will receive approximately $1.2 million in fuel subsidy funding from Alberta Education. This estimate is based on the current pricing for fuel. However, fuel pricing can fluctuate so the actual amount that is paid could vary from the current estimate. These funds are paid to the CBE on a monthly basis.

In the 2011-12 budget, the transportation fee increase approved by the Board of Trustees did not cover the transportation shortfall by about $800,000. The first priority with the fuel subsidy funding will be to cover this shortfall. What happens if there are any remaining funds will be determined once we have the final numbers on enrolment, special needs of students and more later in the fall. Information on the allocation of these funds will be shared in the fall budget update to be presented to the Board of Trustees in late November or early December.

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