Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wards 3 and 4: Important Information for Voters!

As mentioned in a previous blog, there is some confusion around the intentions of public school trustee candidate Tanveer Taj. Mr. Taj is running against Lynn Ferguson, the incumbent trustee in Wards 3 and 4. CAPSC has had trouble connecting with Mr. Taj. He missed our forum and did not return our questionnaire - we have done our best to find information regarding his platform but have been unsuccessful.

CAPSC was finally able to connect with him the morning after he missed the ward 3 and 4 forum. In that phone conversation, he stated that his intention was to withdraw his name but he missed the deadline. We asked for written confirmation and he sent an email stating only that he would not be campaigning.

In the interest of providing our parents with information to make an informed vote, CAPSC placed a call this morning to Barb Clifford, the City of Calgary's Chief Returning Officer. She confirmed that his name would be on the ballot. However, he had the option to file a disclaimer and notice would be posted at all polling stations. Mr. Taj, in a phone conversation with Ms. Clifford this past Friday, declined to file that disclaimer. The disclaimer requires the candidate to state that if elected they would not take office. Mr. Taj plans to take office and sit as a public school board trustee if elected.

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